After clicking 'Create account', the information will be checked by a human to prevent malicious users accessing the site. You will then be sent a password to access the site, and can then log in, register for the Workshop, submit an abstract, and take part in the network.
Our privacy policy: By completng this form, you consent to give us a few personal details. We will only publish your name, institution, and webpage if you present a poster or give a talk at the Workshop. We will contact you occastionally about the network's activities. We will minimise email. You can withdraw your consent or request deletion of any of your information at any time by emailing You will have full access, via the site, to edit the personal information that we hold about you. The data controller for GDPR purposes is Dr Nicholas Holmes, who can be contacted at the email address above.
There may be a short delay in confirming your details - please be patient!