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Interdisciplinary Network of Researchers in Touch


The Festival of Touch is announced

Friday 10th February, 2023

Since our first meeting, in summer 2019, the world has been, err, engaged with other things. Now that people are able to travel around again, a new meeting is finally happening.

The Festival of Touch is on the 4th to 7th of July, in Marseille, France.

See you there!

Research IN Touch, 2020 and beyond

Thursday 2nd January, 2020

One year on, RIT is growing.

In 2020 we are writing a book of chapters on Somatosensory Research Methods to form a volume in the Springer Neuro Methods series. This exciting project is just beginning, so if you have ideas for how to contribute, please contact us soon.

In 2021, we hope to run up a new workshop in Marseille, alongside the International Association for the Study of Affective Touch. Watch this space...

Somatosensory Methods Book!

Friday 22nd November, 2019

Research IN Touch is writing a book!

We've been asked by Springer to put together a volume of methods tutorials to help scientists get into somatosensory research. If you're interested in contributing, then get join the network and/or get in touch by email!

(Chapter outlines will be needed by end January 2020, full first draft by end April, and final draft after revisions by end of August 2020.)

Talk programme is complete!

Wednesday 22nd May, 2019

We have a full and fabulous line-up of speakers sorted out now - hooray! All new abstract submissions will now be for posters only (we have 6 so far).

We've also added a 'Network' page to the site, one you've logged in. This allows you to see all the UK members of the network in a nice map. We'll be adding maps for Europe and the World soon...

100 days to go..!

Tuesday 16th April, 2019

The schedule is nearly complete: just waiting for the last symposia speakers to be confirmed.
I've also been working on the website, trying to get the layout looking better on mobile devices (please send screenshots and version/device info if it looks weird!)

Over the Easter vacation, I'll be pimping-up the site to add some mailing list and other functions, so we can start interacting more. Spread the word and let's touch!

Full! But please sign up for the network & the Workshop wait list

Tuesday 2nd April, 2019

The workshop is full. Hooray! But we still need to allocate symposium speakers, so please do sign up to the waiting list, because:

Wait list places will be offered on a first-clicked-first-served basis, so click now: there's nothing to lose!

5 places left!

Thursday 28th March, 2019

We're nearly full! There are 60 places overall. 44 have registered, and we have 11 spaces reserved for our symposium-organisers. This means there are only 5 spaces left. There will be a waiting list, so please keep on registering; we will assign you to the waiting list and let you know what number you are. As soon as a place becomes available, you'll be sent an email. That is, assuming I can code all this stuff before we run out of places...

We hope to have all the symposia sorted out by the end of the Easter vacation, and we will check to see how many people we can squeeze in...

The workshop is half-full. And we've not really started advertising yet...

Thursday 14th March, 2019

The workshop is starting to fill up - there are likely only a few open places left (considering the number of symposium speakers we need to accommodate). We will look into maximising our numbers (you may have to go easy on the buffet...).

The twitter account has got nearly 70 followers in a week. We feel there is a real thirst for touch research. Good stuff!

Registration is Open!

Monday 4th March, 2019

We have been busily organising symposia for the Workshop, and getting the website set-up. We have not yet started advertising widely, but registration is open, so please do register now to secure your place at the Workshop. Registration is in three parts:

  1. Sign up to the network
  2. Register for day 1 and/or 2 and the evening meal on the 'Register' tab
  3. Submit an abstract for a talk or poster on the 'Present' tab (please note: talks will be limited)

Once you are signed-up, you can update your profile to make sure you stay up-to-date with information about the workshop.

Researchers IN Touch gets started...

Monday 25th February, 2019

Six academics from the Middle and North of England applied for a small pot of money to set up an Interdisciplinary Network of Researchers interested in Touch (ResearchINTouch). We've started organising a line-up of speakers for a workshop in July, 2019, to be held at the University of Nottingham, UK.

Registration will open next week. For now, you can browse the program and make your travel and accommodation arrangements.

Watch this space!